The Three Bells – a podcast about culture in its urban context
produced by AEA Consulting for the Global Cultural Districts Network.

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AEA Consulting's Cultural Infrastructure Index

GCDN is pleased to present AEA Consulting's 2023 Cultural Infrastructure Index. Now in its eight edition, the Index seeks to measure investment in capital projects in the global cultural sector, identifying projects with a budget of US$10 million or more that were publicly announced or completed within the last calendar year.

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Authored by Rosie Dow and developed in partnership with UCL SBB, this GCDN report explores how cultural districts can promote health and wellbeing through arts activations; the challenges they face in doing this work, and potential ways forward for new partnerships, policy reform and shifts in ways of working to better serve communities.

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The City of London Corporation with the support of the Global
Cultural Districts Network (GCDN), has commissioned a research to
understand how cultural districts can embed sustainable development
practices in their work and by extension, in our cities.

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The GCDN advocacy guide makes a case for the support of cultural districts,
and provides a core set of ideas and a framework that cultural leaders can use
to communicate with stakeholders.

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The Global Cultural Districts Network (GCDN) is committed to improving the quality of urban life through the contribution of the arts, culture, and the creative industries.

GCDN members represent policymakers, planners, and executives from widely diverse international contexts, all working at the intersection of culture and sustainable urban development.

The GCDN is an initiative of AEA Consulting.